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Health Benefits of Cacao Chocolate

Health Benefits of Cacao Chocolate

Cacao is the most nutritious substance available. Indeed, we have stated it.

In contrast to numerous other putative "superfoods," there is an abundance of proof to support that admittedly audacious claim.

Cacao, like any delectable gift from Mother Nature, is most enjoyable when consumed separately.

This implies that 100% cacao—the genuine "food of the gods"—will provide you with the most life-giving, love-inducing, and potentially even age-defying benefits.

The following section delves into the most potent components of cacao and its potential to enhance your brain and heart health, as well as your gut, skin, temperament, and overall well-being.


 Additionally, it has the potential to combat chronic diseases.

Many of us experience feelings of relaxation and joy when we consume a bar of chocolate or plant milk hot chocolate.

Cacao may offer a variety of health benefits for both physical and mental well-being.

Although there is no specific amount of cacao that is recommended for daily consumption, it is advisable to consume it in moderation as part of a well-balanced diet, as is the case with all foods.

1. Characteristics of antioxidants

Flavonoids, a naturally occurring compound in plant-based products, are present in cacao.

These flavonoids are important in the prevention of the formation of health-damaging "free radicals."

A high concentration of free radicals can result in cellular damage and subsequent inflammation.

Sources of free radicals include the body's natural metabolic processes and external stressors, such as smoking, pollution, and a poor diet.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties

Flavonoids can be employed to reduce the production of free radicals.

However, it is equally crucial to combat any pre-existing harm caused by free radicals, as we are constantly exposed to them.

Cacao is involved in the prevention of inflammation that is induced by free radical damage.

The immune system's components that capture and destroy health-harming cells are stimulated by the flavonoids in cacao.

3. Enhances Cognitive Function

Regular consumption of cacao can enhance general cognition, focus, thinking speed, and working memory, as well as alleviate mental fatigue, not only immediately following consumption but also over the long term.

Theobromine, caffeine, and the numerous flavonols are responsible for a significant portion of this.

This investigation determined that it could even mitigate certain indicators of cognitive dysfunction associated with ageing.

4. Decrease the level of "bad" cholesterol

Theobromine, a flavonoid present in cacao, has been observed to decrease the levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and increase the levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.

Increased incidences of heart disease are linked to elevated levels of LDL cholesterol.

Additionally, individuals who are born in countries with a high level of cacao production and exportation are believed to have reduced rates of heart disease.

This may be due to their high cocoa consumption.

5. May avoid cognitive decline

Cacao powder, cacao nibs, and chocolate are all sources of caffeine, which is believed to have a neuroprotective effect when consumed in moderation.

Research indicates that consuming 2-4 cups of coffee daily may mitigate cognitive decline that is linked to the ageing process.

This may be due to the inflammation-reducing properties of caffeine.

Additionally, a potential correlation between caffeine consumption and the gastrointestinal microbiome is being investigated.

6. Safeguards the teeth and skin

Along with the many benefits of cacao, it can also enhance one's appearance.

The epidermis is safeguarded from sun damage by its flavanols.

In turn, this can minimise wrinkles and even increase collagen, as revealed by a study conducted on rodents.

Meanwhile, theobromine's antimicrobial properties have shown that it is more effective than fluoride in safeguarding teeth from decay.

Yes, cacao face masks are now available, and we will not condemn you if you choose to begin gargling and swishing with cacao as well.

7. May improve sleep.

Despite the fact that cacao contains caffeine, theobromine levels may serve to counteract the wakefulness properties of caffeine.

Cacao also contains tryptophan, an amino acid that can be converted to melatonin, a hormone that is crucial for the sensation of sleepiness.

8. Happiness and relaxation

Apart from its role in sleep, tryptophan serves as a precursor to the production of serotonin, which is one of the "happy hormones."

Additionally, the consumption of cacao could lead to the release of dopamine, which is another euphoric hormone, as a result of the presence of a molecule known as anandamide.

9. Enhanced recovery from exercise

The caffeine content of cacao may have a beneficial effect on both recovery and workout performance.

Caffeine stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which functions as a vasodilator.

This can assist the muscles in working harder during exercise and recovering more rapidly afterward by increasing blood flow to the muscles.

10. Enhances the Immune System

Although clinical trials have not yet been conducted to establish a direct correlation between cacao and immune function.

It is possible that the consumption of cacao may have a positive impact on the immune system due to its abundant flavonoids and minerals.

Cacao is an excellent source of zinc, which is a critical nutrient for combating bacteria and viruses. 

Additionally, its polyphenols contribute to the growth of beneficial gut flora, which are also essential for maintaining a robust immune system.

In fact, cacao may even enhance the production of white blood cells in the body.

11. Promotes heart wellness

In addition to enhancing exercise performance, caffeine's vasodilatory effect may also alleviate pressure on the heart.

The endothelium, the layer of blood vessel walls that can result in impaired heart and circulatory health, may be protected and defended against damage by flavonoids found in cacao.

12. Improves Performance

The bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO) can be influenced by the flavanols in cacao, which frequently results in improved physical performance.

In fact, this investigation determined that cyclists consumed less oxygen and travelled a greater distance following the consumption of dark chocolate than they did during a cycle free of cacao.

Learn more about the performance-enhancing properties of cacao by visiting this link.

13. Provides the required nutrients.

Cacao contains essential micronutrients such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

These three nutrients are key in stimulating skeletal muscle activity, including heart muscle contraction.

Deficiencies in any of these nutrients can cause irregular cardiac rhythms and other signs of vitamin shortage such as weariness, gastrointestinal troubles, and cognitive fog.

14. Supports the gut.

The gut microbiome is so important and complicated that it is commonly referred to as "the second brain."

Growing research is revealing the importance of gut flora in all aspects of the body and brain.

A healthy gut may help avoid or improve a variety of health problems, including mood disorders, heart disease, autoimmune illnesses, arthritis, obesity, and cancer.

Consuming cocoa flavanols can have a prebiotic impact, promoting the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria.

15. It has anti-ageing benefits.

A diet rich in chocolate and flavonoids may help to guard against the effects of ageing by decreasing water loss from the skin and stimulating collagen formation.

Water and collagen are crucial components for maintaining skin tone and suppleness; a lack of both can result in skin that appears dry and old.

Cacao consumption may also aid in lowering sensitivity to skin-damaging UV radiation.

Consult Your Nutritionist.

This article is meant for educational purposes only and should not be used as an alternative to medical advice.

If you have any doubts regarding your nutrition or health, please consult your doctor or any qualified healthcare professional.

How to Incorporate 100% Cacao into Your Diet

Okay, now comes the fun part.

Have a chocolate craving? Good.

Here are some simple, delicious ways to add 100% cacao into your diet to begin reaping all of its benefits and feeling brighter, younger, happier, and healthier:

  • These Gluten-Free Delights, including a flourless chocolate cake, breakfast smoothie, truffles, and biscotti, are truly delectable.
  • The Two-Step Healthy Chocolate Smoothie combines cacao, chia, flax, maca, banana, strawberries, milk, kefir, and honey for a decadent treat.
  • Jerry's Backwoods Cacao Brew Recipe takes hot chocolate to another level. This energy drink surpasses Red Bull in terms of satisfaction. 
  • Cacao powder can be used in various recipes, including breakfast bowls, cookies, tarts, babka, and choux pastry. It can also be used as a coffee alternative or supplement, smoothie boost, keto addition, and indulgent drink.

Of course, not all cacao is made equal.

The quality, flavour, and nutrition of cacao can vary greatly depending on where it is grown and how it is processed.

In general, the healthier the soil is, the easier the procedure, and the better.

Our 100% Full Spectrum Cacao Powder is the purest cacao you can eat for your body.

If you want something a bit less powerful, we recommend one of our dark chocolate bars, which are made with only two ingredients: cacao and organic cane sugar.

The Last Message

Cacao consumption is related to mental health benefits such as higher emotions of happiness and better sleep.

Cacao has several physical health benefits due to its high flavonoid and vitamin content, which provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Cacao is a superfood; why?

A food with high levels of nutrients and health-promoting qualities is referred to as a "superfood."

Cacao, due to its high flavonoid concentration, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

Is eating cacao every day a good idea?

Although eating cacao every day is usually considered healthy.

It may be advisable to limit the frequency or amount of cacao consumed if you suffer from any of the side effects mentioned below.

Are there any negative consequences of cacao?

Consuming too much cacao can have consequences akin to those of excessive coffee consumption.

These include shakiness, anxiety, restlessness, or gastrointestinal side effects.

When is the best time for consumption of cacao?

Everybody has a different experience with this!

During mid-afternoon relaxation, some people find that eating a square or two of dark chocolate gives them energy.

Some people discover that drinking hot chocolate in the evening relieves their drowsiness.

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