What benefits of Pineapple
When you're fighting a cold, you might want to grab pineapple.
A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism in 2014 discovered that children who consumed canned pineapple had fewer viral and bacterial illnesses than children who did not eat it during the nine-week trial period.
The researchers found that consuming one to two cans (140 to 280 grams) of pineapple daily may lower the risk of infection or, at the very least, shorten the duration of an infection.
Pineapple and its constituents have been linked to a variety of health benefits, including improved digestion, immunity, and post-surgery recovery.
"Pineapple is high in vitamin C, B vitamins, fiber, and minerals like manganese," says Julie Andrews, RDN, a chef in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Pineapple is accessible all year, fresh, frozen, and canned, offering it a year-round alternative for individuals residing in the United States.
Canned pineapple is convenient but look for one that's packed in its own juices rather than syrup, advises Allison Knott, RDN, a dietitian in New York City.
"Because fruit naturally contains sugar in the form of fructose," she explains, "even canned fruit in its own juice will have grammes of sugar mentioned on the label."
"However, because the syrup contains added sugar, it will raise the total grams of sugar while also increasing the day's added sugar dose."
What is it about pineapple that makes it so healthy?
Pineapple has a high nutritional profile, making it a healthy dessert, side dish, or snack at any time.
A one-cup portion (165 grams) has only 75 calories and contains 0 percent of the dietary value (DV) of cholesterol, salt, and fat.
Here are some of the health benefits of eating pineapple.
1. Contains a lot of Nutrients
Pineapple has low-calorie with a lot of vitamins and minerals. You will get the required amount of nutrients in a cup of pineapple chunks only.
• Vitamin C:
You'll get a third of your daily vitamin C intake, which helps with tissue growth and repair.
Vitamin C may also benefit in the prevention and treatment of cancer, heart disease, and arthritis.
• Manganese:
Pineapple contains more than 100 percent of your daily manganese needs. Manganese is beneficial to bone growth, immunity, and metabolism.
• Fiber:
One cup of pineapple has nearly 10% of your daily fiber requirements. "Fiber is one of the prime nutrients useful for health.
It can also help in weight loss," Zumpano says.
• Minerals:
"Pineapple consists of many minerals apart from magnesium, potassium, copper, etc.
They are all needed for your body for proper function."
• Vitamin B:
Pineapple is a good source of thiamin, niacin, B6, and folate, among other B vitamins.
These nutrients aid in the digestion of energy obtained from meals.
They also play an important role in the formation of new red blood cells, which transport oxygen to your organs and tissues.
2. Antioxidants that fight Diseases
Pineapples are not only high in nutrients, but they are also high in antioxidants, which are chemicals that help your body fight oxidative stress.
An accumulation of free radicals, unstable chemicals that cause cell damage, causes oxidative stress, which is typically connected to chronic inflammation, impaired immunological function, heart disease, diabetes, and some malignancies (Trusted Source).
Pineapples are high in antioxidants known as flavonoids and phenolic compounds.
Two rodent studies suggest that the antioxidants in pineapple may have heart-protective properties, however, human research is inadequate (Trusted Source).
Furthermore, many of the antioxidants in pineapple are called bound antioxidants, which means they have a longer-lasting benefit.
In Short
Pineapples are high in antioxidants, which may lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
3. Pineapple helps you to lose Weight
You might have heard that pineapple is also useful to lose weight.
There isn't much data to back up that claim, but an animal study published in Food Science and Biotechnology in April 2018 found that pineapple juice may help minimize fat production and enhance fat breakdown.
More human research is needed, however, to corroborate that finding.
Even if it has no effect on your metabolism, it's a good snack option because it (and other fruits) are low in calories, high in important vitamins and minerals, and don't contain saturated or trans fats, according to Andrews.
"There is not any specific fruit or vegetable in the market that claims weight loss directly.
Some fruits and vegetables will help to control your diet extra calories intake without less feeding,"
"It means, consuming many cups of fruits and vegetables per day as part of a well-balanced diet. This strategy results in people eating fewer calories overall."
You might also discover that the fruit soothes your sweet tooth.
"Pineapple consists of less calories in comparison to other desserts (sweets) used while eating.
So if you take pineapple for your diner time dessert instead of an ice cream cone, "You might consume less calories and lose weight as a result," Colleen Christensen, RD, a dietitian in Grand Rapids, Michigan, adds.
Pineapple also contains fiber (2.3 grams per cup, according to the USDA), which, as per the Mayo Clinic, can help manage blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full, allowing you to eat less.
4. Promotes Tissue Regeneration.
"Bromelain is an enzyme is which is found solely in this fruit, supports for the healing of your skin and tissues," Zumpano described.
According to the study, bromelain "tends to generate molecules that fight pain and swelling."
Bromelain, a compound found in pineapple, may help your skin regenerate after surgery or damage.

5. It helps indigestion.
In nations like Brazil, pineapple is frequently eaten with meats and chicken.
This fruit contains a set of digestive enzymes called bromelain, which may help with meat digestion.
Bromelain is a protease enzyme that breaks down protein molecules into their constituent amino acids and short peptides.
Your small intestine may more easily absorb protein molecules once they've been broken down.
This is especially beneficial for those who suffer from pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which the pancreas is unable to produce adequate digestive enzymes.
Because of its capacity to break down tough meat proteins, bromelain is widely used as a commercial meat tenderizer.
Bromelain was reported to lower inflammatory indicators in digestive tissue in one test-tube investigation, but more research is required.
Furthermore, pineapples are high in fiber, which promotes digestive health.
In Short
Pineapples include bromelain, a type of digestive enzyme that may improve digestion by breaking down protein.
6. Pineapple's manganese content promotes bone health.
According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, the trace mineral manganese, along with calcium, is important for keeping strong bones.
As per Oregon State University, pineapple is one of the best food sources of manganese, with a single cup containing around 76 percent of the daily intake.
According to them (OSU), manganese may help to prevent osteoporosis. It increases overall bone and mineral density.
However, consuming more than 11 mg of manganese per day can be harmful and may raise the risk of cognitive impairments, according to a study published in The Open Orthopaedics Journal.
But don't worry: Andrews argues that reaching those levels would be tough because 12 cups of pineapple contain less than 1 mg of manganese.
7. It has the potential to lower your Cancer risk.
Cancer is a type of long-term illness marked by uncontrolled cell proliferation.
Oxidative stress and chronic inflammation are frequently associated with its advancement.
Pineapple and its components, especially bromelain, have been shown in several studies to reduce cancer risk by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
Bromelain may also help treat cancer that has already developed, according to several research.
Bromelain, for example, reduced the growth of breast cancer cells and triggered cell death in a test tube study, whereas bromelain boosted the benefits of anticancer therapy in a mouse study.
Other test-tube investigations on cutaneous, colorectal, and bile duct tumors have produced similar results (Trusted Source).
Bromelain may also encourage the immune system to create chemicals that make white blood cells more effective at suppressing cancer cell development and eliminating cancer cells, according to older test-tube and animal research.
Pineapple, on the other hand, contains far less bromelain than pills.
Although research is inconsistent, one analysis of human studies indicated no advantage to taking oral enzymes like bromelain alongside cancer therapy (TrustedSource1, Trusted Source2).
More human research is required in general.
In Short
Pineapple includes chemicals like bromelain that may have anticancer properties, but additional human research is needed.
8. It Can Help Boost Immunity
The Nutrient Profile of Pineapple Indicates That It Can Help Boost Immunity. Pineapples have long been utilized in traditional medicine.
They are high in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes like bromelain, which may help to boost immunity and reduce inflammation.
In previous 9-day research, 98 healthy children were given the option of eating no pineapple, 1 cup (140 grams), or 2 cups (280 grams) of pineapple daily.
People who use pineapple on a regular basis had dramatically reduced chances of viral and bacterial illnesses.
Furthermore, the youngsters who consumed the most of this fruit had nearly four times the number of disease-fighting white blood cells as the other groups.
A 30-day study of 40 adults with chronic sinusitis found that those who began taking a 500-mg bromelain supplement recovered significantly faster than those who did not.
When you're fighting a cold, you might want to access pineapple.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism found that kids who consumed canned pineapple had fewer viral and bacterial infections than children who did not consume canned pineapple during the nine-week study period.
The researchers concluded that eating one to two cans (140 to 280 grammes) of pineapple daily may reduce the probability of infection or, at the very least, shorten the duration of an infection.
Still, further clinical study is required. Keep in mind that neither pineapple nor its constituents can treat/cure or prevent COVID-19.
9. It's potential that it would help with arthritis symptoms.
In the United States alone, more than 54 million persons suffer from arthritis.
There are many different forms of arthritis, but the majority of them include joint inflammation.
Bromelain's anti-inflammatory qualities may help people with inflammatory arthritis feel better.
Bromelain supplements were found to be just as helpful as routine pain medication in alleviating osteoarthritis in the lower back in one investigation.
Another study found that a digestive enzyme supplement containing bromelain relieved pain as well as standard arthritis medications in persons with osteoarthritis.
In addition, a test-tube investigation indicated that this chemical could preserve cartilage tissue against degradation and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.
However, further human study — not only on bromelain but on pineapples in general — is required.
In Short
Pineapple's anti-inflammatory qualities may help reduce arthritis symptoms, but additional human research needs to be done.
10. It'll help you recover faster after surgery or severe activity.
Pineapple consumption may help you recover faster following surgery or exercise (Source).
While this fruit helps in glycogen replenishment after exercise, some of its advantages are attributable to bromelain's anti-inflammatory effects..
Bromelain has been demonstrated in several studies to reduce inflammation, edoema, bruising, and pain following surgery, including dental and skin operations. It may also help to lower inflammatory markers.
Bromelain may minimize discomfort, pain, and swelling following dental surgery, according to two studies.
Furthermore, bromelain increased healing following surgical skin operations in 5 of 7 randomized controlled studies, according to one analysis.
However, its application is still unclear.
Furthermore, proteases like bromelain may help muscles heal faster after heavy exercise by lowering inflammation around damaged muscle tissue.
More research is needed, however, before this substance may be suggested for post-workout recuperation.
In Short
Bromelain, found in pineapples, may help to minimize post-surgery inflammation, swelling, and discomfort.
Its anti-inflammatory effects may also help you recover after a hard workout.
11. Simple to include in your diet
Pineapples are delicious, convenient, and simple to include in your diet.
Even when it's not in season, fresh fruit can be found at a variety of grocery stores and markets. All year, you can get it canned, dehydrated, or frozen.
Pineapple can be eaten on its own, in smoothies, atop salads, or on handmade pizzas. Here are a few fun pineapple-based food ideas:
- Smoothie with pineapple, blueberries, and Greek yogurt for breakfast
- Salad with tropical roast chicken, almonds, blueberries, and pineapple on a bed of lettuce or other greens
- Lunch: handmade Hawaiian burgers (beef burgers with a pineapple ring)
- For dessert, make your own pineapple whip (frozen pineapple chunks combined with a splash of coconut milk and a sprinkle of lemon juice).
Those who are sensitive to bromelain may also feel tongue burning or itching, as well as nausea or diarrhea – however, these adverse effects are personal and have not been scientifically examined.
According to some, consuming much unripe pineapple causes stomach distress, nausea, and diarrhea.
Again, this has not been researched, although it is always ideal to choose ripe pineapple. The flesh should be light to medium golden in color.
In Short
Pineapple is largely regarded as safe, yet a tiny number of people may be allergic to it.
People with diabetes or who take blood thinners should monitor their portion sizes when eating pineapple.
Is there any risk in eating pineapple?
Pineapples are not commonly associated with allergies. Unless you have a known pineapple allergy, eating them is considered very low risk.
In that case, avoid pineapple and pineapple extracts.
Diabetes patients should be conscious of serving sizes in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
Even if you don't have an allergy or diabetes, eating too much pineapple — more than a few servings per day — can have unexpected consequences.
Bromelain, for example, may have an effect on blood clotting.
As a result, people who take blood thinners should consume pineapple in moderation.
In Short
Pineapple works well in a variety of dishes, whether fresh, stir-fried, blended, or roasted. Most stores sell it canned, fresh, dehydrated or frozen all year.
How to Select a Good Pineapple?
A mature pineapple, like most fruits, is sweet and juicy. Unripe fruit, on the other hand, has a dull, dry, or sour flavor.
Pineapples, unlike avocados, peaches, and bananas, do not continue to ripen after they are plucked, thus keeping them out on the counter to ripen will not benefit.
It doesn't have to be difficult to find a good one. Here are some tips for selecting a juicy, sweet pineapple.
How does a good pineapple seem to?
Look for the following signs of pineapple ripeness:
• Golden color:
A bright orange pineapple is past its prime, whereas a green pineapple is unripe. Look for one with a golden color that is consistent.
• Big eyes:
Those little knots on the skin give you a hint about what's going on inside. Larger knots indicate that the fruit has had time to ripen on the tree.
Other signs of a ripe pineapple
You must see-through looks if you want the best pineapple of the lot. Also check:
• Smell
Smell the bottom of it before buying.
"A good quality and ripe pineapple smell fresh and are pleasant in nature," Zumpano says.
Avoid any that have a nasty or vinegar-like odour or none at all.
• Firmness:
If pineapple is hard, it isn't ripe. When you squeeze it, it should have a little flexibility, but it shouldn't be soft or mushy.
• Leaves:
They should be crisp and green, and plucking one should be simple.
• Weight:
For its size, a pineapple should feel weighty.
It indicates that there's a lot of fluid (liquid juice) inside," Zumpano explains.
How to Store Pineapple
Don't put off enjoying that beautiful pineapple for too long.
Improper storing may cause your fruit to spoil. Here's how to keep it tasty:
• On the counter:
Most pineapples will keep for about two days at room temperature on the counter.
Place it in any place where it could not expose to direct sunlight and heat.
• In the fridge:
Place a whole, uncut pineapple in the fridge. It should be good for around five days.
• Once cut:
keep freshly cut pineapple in some of its juice in an airtight container.
You can consume it by storing it in the refrigerator for up to five days.
How to Eat Pineapples
When pineapple is cut into ring-shaped (rounded) slices or chunks, it becomes a healthy and nutritious snack.
However, if you don't have time or the idea to cut it, many grocery stores sell pre-cut pineapple.

Frozen and canned pineapple are also good alternatives.
"Use canned pineapple packed in juice rather than syrup," Zumpano advises. "Pineapple used to be naturally sweet, so avoid adding sugar always if possible."
In conclusion
Pineapples are tasty, flexible, and high in nutrients and antioxidants.
Their minerals and chemicals have been linked to numerous health benefits, including better digestion, a lower risk of cancer, and relief from osteoarthritis. Nonetheless, further human research is required.
This fruit can be eaten blended, roasted, sautéed, or fresh — on its own or in a variety of meals.
Today, try this:
You want pineapple, but yours isn't ripe yet.
Place your too-green pineapple in a paper bag to ripen. Putting a banana in the bag may also help to speed up the process.
The bag traps ethylene gas generated by the fruit, causing it to ripen faster.
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