Green Tea benefits Health
For centuries, people have acclaimed green tea's health benefits.
According to research, green tea may improve skin health, help in weight loss, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
According to the International Institute of Sustainable Development, tea is the world's second most consumed beverage, after water.
Except for herbal teas, all teas are made from the dried leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush.
The type of tea is categorized by the level of oxidation of its leaves. Because it is created from unoxidized leaves, green tea is one of the least processed varieties of tea.
Due to this, Green tea has the highest concentration of antioxidants as well as beneficial polyphenols.
What is Green Tea ?

To fully understand green tea, we must first examine tea in general. The majority of people drink black tea or variations on it.
Some people prefer oolong tea, while others prefer white tea. What are the differences, and what makes green tea so beneficial?
The leaves of the Camellia Sinensis bush are used to make tea.
There are two types of this plant. One prime variety grows in China (Asia). It is used to make green and white teas.
The second type of bush grows in India and is used to make both oolong and black tea.
This tea has the highest amount of flavonoids, which are plant-based antioxidant compounds, among the four forms of tea.
Green tea is the least oxidized when processed, which makes it the most healthy.
What Amount of Green Tea should you drink per day?
There hasn't been a comprehensive study on how much green tea to drink per day to reap the most benefits.
It is entirely dependent on the individual and their own personal health.
Various amounts of green tea consumed each day will benefit you in various ways.
In controlled studies, for example, those who drank one to three cups per day had a lower risk of stroke and heart disease than those who drank less than one cup.
In addition, women who consumed more than 5 cups of green tea per day were less likely to develop stomach cancer.
But, to put it another way, how much you consume is regulated by how much you can bear.
Not everyone wants to drink 5 cups of green tea in 24 hours.
Green tea is beneficial to your diet, but as long as you drink a cup or more every day, you're OK!
What are the Health benefits of Green tea?
Green tea was used in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine to control bleeding and accelerate healing, improve digestion, boost heart and brain health, and regulate body temperature.
According to a study, green tea may help with weight loss, liver disease, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and other disorders.
It is important to note, however, that more information is needed before scientists can definitively confirm these potential health benefits.
Is Green tea good for Cancer patient ?
Many cancer rates are lower in countries with high consumption of green tea.
In human trials, however, there has been no consistent evidence that drinking green tea reduces the overall risk of cancer.
A review of the 2020 database Trusted sources of human epidemiological and experimental studies produced inconclusive results as well as limited evidence of the benefit of green tea consumption in lowering the risk of cancer.
The researchers studied 142 completed studies that included a total of 1.1 million individuals.
However, topical use of green tea polyphenol extracts may help protect against UVB radiation.
A 2018 reviewTrusted Source, tea polyphenols have been shown in vitro, in vivo, and human studies to have potential benefits in the chemoprevention of UVB-induced skin cancer.
Animal and test-tube cell research According to a reliable source, the following cancers may benefit from this treatment:
- bladder
- breast colorectal (bowel)
- ovarian
- esophageal (throat)
- prostate
- lung
- skin
- stomach
Numerous human studies have yielded ambiguous results and limited evidence of the influence of green tea consumption on the overall risk of cancer.
Benefits of Green tea for Weight Loss
Green tea is most likely to be found on the ingredients list of any fat-burning supplement.
This is due to research showing that green tea can increase fat burning and metabolic rate.
Green tea extract boosted the number of calories burnt by 4% in one study involving 10 healthy men.
Green tea extract increased fat oxidation by 17% in another study including 12 healthy males when compared to a placebo.
However, several research on green tea has found no improvement in metabolism, suggesting that the effects may vary depending on the individual and how the study was designed (Source1).
Caffeine may also improve physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids from fat tissue and converting them to energy (Source2).
Caffeine may improve physical performance by 11–12%, according to two separate review studies (Source3).
What the Study Shows
Green tea has been beneficial to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol.
According to a 2013 review of multiple studies, green tea has been shown to help prevent a number of heat-related illnesses, ranging from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure.
What's good for the heart is usually good for the brain; your brain needs healthy blood vessels to function correctly.
MRIs found that those who sipped green tea had more activity in the working-memory section of their brains in one Swiss study.
Green tea has also been proven to help in the prevention of plaque formation in the brain, which has been connected to Alzheimer's disease.
Green tea appears to benefit diabetics maintaining a constant blood sugar level.
Catechins, because they decrease cholesterol and blood pressure, can help protect against the problems caused by a high-fat diet.
According to Ochner, because catechins lower cholesterol and blood pressure, they can help protect against the damage that a high-fat diet can cause, which can lead to, according to Ochner.
Green Tea benefits to Skin
Anti-inflammatory effects are found in green tea.
An analysis of human clinical trials According to Trusted Source and cellular and animal studies, green tea and its main component, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), have anti-inflammatory properties.
This was backed up by a reliable source of tea extract in cosmetics.
When tea extracts were added to a solution, the researchers discovered that it induced anti-inflammatory reactions when applied topically.
They also discovered that skin microcirculation in the affected areas improved.
Green tea good for Heart

According to a 2006 study Green tea consumption has been linked to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, according to Trusted Source.
Beginning in 1994, the study followed over 40,000 Japanese participants aged 40 to 79 for 11 years.
It was discovered that those who started drinking five cups of green tea per day had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
A meta-analysis of research on green tea and cardiovascular disease published in 2016 accompanied these findings.
The analysis included nine studies with a total of 259,267 participants.
Green tea consumption was linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular and ischemic diseases, according to the researchers.
Separate reviews from NCBI discovered that the polyphenols in green tea may lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and improve epithelial function, all of which can help reduce the risk of heart disease in those who are overweight or obese.
Green tea good for Cholesterol
A review from 2011, Green tea use, whether as a beverage or in capsule form, was connected to large but small decreases in total low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, according to Trusted Source.
Stroke risk
Drinking green tea or coffee on a regular basis appears to be associated with a lower risk of stroke.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), including green tea in one's daily diet may be associated with a small but positive change in stroke risk.
Working Memory
Green tea has been shown to improve working memory and other cognitive functions in some studies.
Green tea was considered promising in treating cognitive impairments associated with neuropsychiatric conditions such as dementia in a double-blind volunteer study.
A meta-analysis published in 2016 Observational studies have linked daily tea consumption to a lower risk of cognitive impairment and mild cognitive impairment.
Green tea benefits for Diabetes
The research on the association between green tea and diabetes has been inconclusive.
Some studies have found that persons who drink green tea had a lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not drink tea.
One assessment of 17 randomized controlled studies indicated a link between green tea consumption and lower fasting glucose and fasting insulin levels.
A 2017 analysis of dietary polyphenol research found that green tea, as part of a Mediterranean-style eating pattern, was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Other research, however, has found no link between tea drinking and diabetes.
Green tea and Brain function
Green tea may also increase brain function in addition to keeping you alert. A well-known stimulant Caffeine is the main active substance in Green tea.
It doesn't have as much caffeine as coffee, but it's enough to provoke a response without generating the uncomfortable effects that come with too much caffeine.
Caffeine gives an impact on the brain by inhibiting adenosine, an inhibitory neurotransmitter.
This enhances the neuronal activity and neurotransmitter concentrations such as dopamine and norepinephrine (NCBI).
Caffeine has been found to increase multiple areas of brain function, including mood, vigilance, response time, and memory, in numerous studies.
There is some more brain-boosting compound is found in green tea except Caffeine.
It also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.
L-theanine helps to stimulate the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which is anti-anxiety. It also increases dopamine and alpha wave production in the brain (7, 8Trusted Source, 9Trusted Source).
Caffeine and L-theanine have been shown to work together in studies. This means that combining the two can have particularly potent effects on brain function (Source1, Source2).
Green tea may provide a much milder and different type of trend than coffee due to the L-theanine and the small amount of caffeine.
When compared to coffee, many people claim that green tea gives them more consistent energy and makes them more productive.
Green tea and Alzheimer's
Researchers study the impact of a component of green tea, colon-available green tea extract (CAGTE), on a key protein in Alzheimer's disease in a 2011 test tube cell.
The tests used differentiated PC12 cells as a model for neuron cells and CAGTE to represent green tea phytochemicals potentially available after upper gastrointestinal digestion.
CAGTE was found to protect cells from damaging free radicals and beta-amyloid peptides that may play a role in the development of Alzheimer's disease at high concentration levels, according to the researchers.
The concentration they used, however, was far higher than that found in the human body.
Green tea and Bad breath
Green tea compound catechins are also beneficial for dental well-being.
Catechins have been shown in test tubes to prevent the growth of bacteria, potentially lowering the risk of illness.
Streptococcus mutans is a common oral bacteria. It promotes plaque formation and is a leading cause of cavities and tooth decay.
Green tea catechins have been shown to prevent the growth of oral bacteria in the lab, but there is no proof that drinking green tea has the same impact.
Green tea, on the other hand, appears to help with bad breath.
Other advantages of Green Tea
Green tea may also help prevent dental cavities, stress, and chronic fatigue, treat skin conditions, and improve arthritis by reducing inflammation, according to other research.
However, additional human clinical trials are required to clarify these theories.
Nutritional analysis
Per cup of unsweetened brewed green tea, there are less than 3 calories.
Green tea has a lower caffeine content (about 29 milligrams per 8-ounce cup) than black tea (roughly 47 mg cup) and coffee (about 95 mg per cup).
The caffeine content of a cup of tea varies depending on the length of absorbing time and the volume of tea boiled.
Green tea has the highest concentration of antioxidants of any beverage. Green tea contains roughly 30% Trusted Source polyphenols by weight, with EGCG accounting for approximately 80%.
Green Tea Drink Tips
Did you know that green tea is the second most popular beverage after water? Who would have guessed?
Green tea can be served hot or cold, but don't pour boiling water over the leaves right after they've boiled.
This will have an effect on the powerful catechins that do all of the work. Allow around 10 minutes for the hot water to cool before pouring.
Steep for 1 to 5 minutes, depending on your preference.
Types of packaging
Green tea comes in a number of forms and packaging, such as:
- bottled and sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetener
- single tea bags
- loose leaf
- powdered instant
- green tea supplements, either as capsules or liquid extracts
Online, you can buy a variety of green tea products.
Green Tea Side Effects
There are few known side effects associated with drinking green tea in adults.
However, the following risks and complications should be considered:
• Caffeine sensitivity:
People who are extremely sensitive to caffeine may experience insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, or stomach upset after drinking green tea.
• Liver damage:
In rare cases, consuming a high concentration of green tea extract may have a negative impact on liver health.
• Other stimulants:
Drinking green tea with taking stimulant medicines may cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
According to the majority of studies, the uncommon incidences of liver harm caused by green tea extract ingestion are idiosyncratic reactions.
Direct causality has not been proven in any of these cases, according to reviews.
The Food and Drug Administration does not regulate green tea supplements (FDA).
As a result, these supplements may contain other ingredients that are hazardous to one's health or have yet to be proven beneficial to one's health.
Before beginning any herb or supplement routine, consult your doctor.
Green tea may provide a variety of health benefits.
It could help people lose weight, skin irritation, and type 2 diabetes, among several other things.
Green tea consumption has also been linked to improved cardiovascular health in some studies.
Green tea contains one of the highest antioxidant concentrations of any tea. It has less caffeine than black tea and coffee and has fewer calories by default.
FAQ : Green Tea
Q 1: Can I drink Green tea while I have an empty stomach?
Despite its health benefits, green tea should not be consumed on an empty stomach. You may feel nauseated as a result of doing so.
The tannins in tea are the source of the issues. Tannins can cause an increase in stomach acids, making you feel ill and possibly causing stomach discomfort.
Green tea is best consumed between meals. Green tea should not be consumed with meals since it may interfere with iron absorption.
Q 2: Are there any side effects of Green tea drinking?
Green tea drinkers may experience negative side effects. It's a good idea to cut back if this happens.
Keep in mind to gradually increase your daily water consumption. Increase water intake day by day, don't go all out. Moderation is always the best option.
- Caffeine, like any other stimulant, can make you anxious if consumed in excess.
- Drinking too much green tea can cause headaches
- Some people may experience stomach upset
- People who are iron deficient should drink green tea one hour after meals or in between meals because it may affect iron absorption.
Q 3: What is Matcha Tea?
Matcha tea is also derived from the Camellia Sinesis bush.
Farmers, on the other hand, cover the plants a few weeks before harvest to protect them from sunlight.
The production of chlorophyll is increased, resulting in more catechins (antioxidants) in the tea. The color of the leaves has also darkened.
Q 4: Where can I find Matcha Tea?
You can find Matcha Tea in nearby shops. You can also buy online from Amazon.
Q 5: Green Tea contains how much Caffeine?
The amount of caffeine in a cup of green tea depends on how it was grown and processed, as well as how it is brewed.
However, an 8 oz cup of green tea contains about 28 mg of caffeine, according to the Mayo Clinic.
This is roughly half the amount found in a cup of black tea.