Explore Eating Disorder Reasons and Remedies
An eating disorder is not a disease. It is a mental feeling. It might be eating food in an unhealthy amount, reducing the amount of food intake.
Taking food that is excessively less than our basic needs, and eating much food at once like a freak! However, limiting the amount of food eaten is a common eating disorder for teenagers.
It is a serious mental illness. Teenagers are often vulnerable to societal pressures and can often feel insecure and self-conscious, which are factors that increase the risk of engaging in extreme dieting behavior According to the symptoms there are three types of eating disorders.
1. Anorexia:
It is a life-threatening eating disorder for teenagers. Teens who are suffering from this disorder may take extreme measures to avoid eating and control the quantity and quality of the foods they do eat.
As a result, they become thin and get abnormally low body weight.
Teens who have less than 15% weight than the normal body weight according to their height and age, are said to be suffering from Anorexia.
Those who are suffering from anorexia get an extremely low body weight relative to their height and body type. But, still, they talk about feeling fat.
Symptoms of Anorexia:
- Having a lack of interest in foods both in quantity and quality.
- Avoidance of social functions, family, and friends. May become isolated and withdrawn.
- Feeling much cold and weak..
- Denial of the feeling of hunger.
- Suffer from anxiety, depression, and stress.
- Rapidly losing weight or being significantly underweight and emaciated.
- An abnormal absence of menstruation, or loss of 3 consecutive menstrual cycles.
- As this is a mental illness, the first step for the treatment of Anorexia should be mentioning the effect that the patient is suffering from. Addressing any serious health issues that may have resulted from eating disordered behaviors, such as malnutrition, electrolyte imbalance, amenorrhea, and an unstable heartbeat, should be a better solution.
- The body-building elements should be recovered by taking foods in a healthy way. Nutrients should be maintained in the food plans and educate the patient about normal eating plans.
- Have to lead a healthy life. Maintaining a daily routine and food plan can be great medicine for the treatment of Anorexia.
- The patient should have to be recognized underlying issues associated with the eating disorder. It is needed to address and heal from traumatic life events, learn healthier coping skills and further develop the capacity to express and deal with emotions.

2. Bulimia:
Bulimia nervosa is food addiction and psychological problem. Those who have bulimia, reduce their eating habits, eat excessively afterward and then control their weight by vomiting or being laxative by expelling them from the body.
Teenagers who suffer from this disease try to adapt their eating habits and behavior to their mental discomfort. And they are often scared to have excessive calories and fat.
Due to this fear, people with Bulimia nervous system reduce their food from meals. The result is that they eat excessively and then they expel them from the body by vomiting.
In very rare cases, it is taken out by eating diet pills, excessive exercise, a deadly diet, not eating too much time and occasionally taking banned medicines such as: – amphetamine.
They expose this food because they think excessive food will increase their weight, and generally, they feel guilty after eating and they are ashamed because of these rituals/eating. That is why they keep them secret.
Symptoms of Bulimia:
- Excessive eating and expelling them through vomiting.
- An overdrawn to food and eating.
- Peculiar eating habits or rituals.
- Unrealistic opinion about bodyweight reduction.
- Depression and anxiety.
- Loneliness: Losing interest in other people.
- Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals.
- Once diagnosed, those who have bulimia require a lot of time to be recovered. Changing food habits should be the first step for remedial treatment.
- Switch the views towards food.
- Increase the weight with caution if needed.
- Bulimia will be as high as it is, learning to eat healthy foods again and increasing the weight in a healthy way becomes difficult. Therefore, treatment should be taken as soon as possible for a greater chance of recovery.
3. Binge Eating
Eating instantly what is available in the hands is not unusual in times of hunger. However, in the case of ‘bending-fighting’ disorder, people eat a lot of what they get, even when they are not hungry.
Mostly, after a few minutes of eating, the person cannot cope up with eating if he sees a new item on the table.
This type of habit becomes terrible day by day and the person cannot control himself from eating. Excessive eating habits often lead to numerous problems. The person who is involved in binge-fighting is most in danger when traveling with friends or relatives.
This is due to their eating habits that are inhibited by inferiority, which inhibits their normal social life.
Symptoms of Binge Eating:
- It is not absolutely sure that this disorder has emerged in the person’s life for exactly what reason. However, according to experts, genetic characteristics, mentality, and family history of the person can act as catalysts behind this disorder. Even the intense reluctance to eat or drink, or additional dieting trends can take a complete change in the bending activity disorder.
- Eating rapidly and a large number of foods in a short period.
- Eating in secret because of feeling embarrassed by how much they are eating.
- Feeling that they are unable to control how much they eat and disgusted with themselves afterward.
- Eating disorders require a big-picture treatment plan that’s tailored to meet your individual needs. The goal is to help you gain control over your eating behavior. Most often, it involves a combination of strategies.
- There are various therapies that help to get recover from binge eating. Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Interpersonal Psycho Therapy, and Dialectical behavior Therapy are such types of therapy. These therapies help to focus and teach individual skills to cope with stress and regulate emotions.
- It is also necessary to concentrate on healing from emotional triggers that may be causing binge eating.
- Self-help is the best way the treatment of binge eating disorders. After identifying the disorder, the victim should watch his daily food habit and take proper steps according to his needs.
- If you have a binge-eating disorder, you and your family may find support groups helpful for encouragement, hope, and advice on coping. Members of your support group will understand what you're going through since they've been there before. Ask your doctor about a support group in your area.
Although recovery is challenging, it is absolutely possible to recover from an eating disorder. Recovery can take months or years, but with proper treatment.
Starting immediately, many people do eventually recover and go on to live a life free from their eating disorders.